Sunday, March 7, 2010

Totally not a Hiatus

I am totally not on haitus. I have, as usual, been working on things. Mostly Illustrator cuteness, logos and packaging design for the coming conventions.

But one of my more recent obsessions has been...sadly... Dragon Age: Origins. It is an obsession that can not be thwarted. At first, I just wanted to play the game. Then I found myself wanting to get all of the gamer points. Now. I just want to play through the game to find out the different endings... but always have a girl in order to be with that adorable little guy up there. Alistair.
The bastard prince, turned Grey Warden.

I do not fan girl over many things. But this guy, I have. It is the first guy fan-girl I've ever done. It is so new to me. And it is a bit dirty in that way. *sigh* Oh Alistair.

Anywho. I'll post more stuff later. Just hated leaving this empty. ;3;