Tuesday, January 19, 2010


This winter break has been a bit of a productive ordeal. Mostly, it has been a lot of researching on how to make certain charms, get them to look the way I want them too, and practicing in Illustrator some more.
This little guy is from a small series I did of popsicles. I looked up the original flavors for Kool-Aid and based my colors off of that. This one is Lemonade. What I am trying to do here, take popsicles, think of what dreams I would have as a popsicle, and the nightmares...then translate them into mini illustrations Here, the lemonade is radioactive and glowing. XD

Truth be told, theses are vectors made from sketches for clay charms (Lemonade one is a mixture of yellow and glow in the dark clay since it holds a level of transparency). Their original intent was to accommodate packaging. But I am thinking of making stickers out of them as well. Or maybe people will have in their package the charm and a stick of the charm as well. hmmmm.