Sunday, March 6, 2011

Serenity & Other things

These last few months have been artistically interesting.
All five artworks were admitted and published in the American River Review 2010. It is exciting, and very humbling at the same time.

I am still involved in a Serenity RPG. It is a lot of fun, though I do miss my original character, Murielle. Kevin did take her, and turn her into an NPC...
Right now, most of us have super powers, and my latest character "Milli", is the doctor. She can heal from a distance and all that jazz.
Do you ever wonder how hard it is to really get your own style? I sure do. For years, I watched Japanese Anime, and analyzed video game character concepts. But in the end, I am discovering that my ingrained style is more.. Disney.. and 80s animated cartoons. I grew up in an environment where 80s and 90s cartoons were prevalent. The struggle to make the my artwork look like something Japanese people are raised in, is sort of a lie. I can take that which I have seen, absorb it, and make it into something that I feel is more my style; whatever that might actually be.
Oh well.

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