Sunday, July 5, 2009

Anime Expo The Returning.

Oooooooh boy.
So today was the final day at Anime Expo; the anime convention hold every 4th of July weekend in Los Angelos.

It was a fun convention, but very tiring and extremely expensive. I went down with my clay and some buttons. Very little sold in the way of figurines, but people could not get enough of the buttons! Especially the zodiac signs turned into button form.
Part of me still wants to get a larger button maker for those. So it is a 1~2" button.

The apple magnets went really well too. I am so happy that Aja told me about them and how to make them! On top of that, some people paid for them to be sent to them as stickers to boot. :3

And someone, for the first time EVER commissioned me for drawings. It was amazing and so much fun. Here is how one of the two turned out:

They had requested their own lolita dresses be turned into buttons for each of them. Aah.. I love the sweet loli look *^^*

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